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Vincent's Community Outreach


2021 Vincentian Christmas Program
Weekly Food Collection Schedule:

Nov 07         Cooking Oil
Nov 14         Spaghetti Sauce
Nov 21         Laundry Detergent
Nov 28         Canned Meat
                    (Chili, canned pasta, canned chicken, spaghetti & meatballs, etc)
Dec 05          Canned Fruit
Dec 12          Peanut Butter & Jelly

**Covid 19 Update**
Due to the COVID 19 outbreak, in the interest of public health, certain processes in relation to our annual Christmas Program have changed. We will be working with a limited number of volunteers, practicing social distancing, and all clients, staff, and volunteers are required to wear masks at all times. En lieu of toy and gift donations, we are accepting gift cards and donations to offset these costs. If you would like to donate to our program, click here.   

 About our Christmas Program

​Our annual Christmas Program is one of our most popular programs.  Each year we register qualified Seniors and Families for our program that are then "adopted" by people who provide gift cards and a cart full of groceries. This year extra precaution was taken to protect our participants, staff and volunteers. Families were given gift cards (en lieu of physical gifts and toys) and boxes of food and household items that were served on our lot employing masks and social distancing. Senior program participants received totes brimming with food and household items and a wrapped gifts that were safely delivered to their buildings of residence.   


We have so many volunteers and donors that make the Christmas Program a success each year. This year in particular, in spite of the added Covid19 restrictions, everyone quickly stepped up and came together to help the needy in our community! Things were a little trickier this year, but we still made it happen. Because of your generosity, we were able to help over 2,000 people!!! That's incredible! We can't thank everyone enough for all they have done- whether it was with food donations, a financial contribution, time and efforts spending hours loading up boxes of food and bagging groceries for Seniors & Families...we thank you ALL! 


Enjoy these pics of our big-hearted Student Volunteers, "Christmas Elf" Volunteers, and Staff and all they have done to help us make this years program a huge success.


Serving our community

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Each year our program depends on the generosity of donors to provide food and gifts for 450 families and 300 seniors living in poverty. This year we were able to serve over 2000 people! 

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Christmas Program Participant

My family and I are so grateful to receive a gift and food for Christmas. My husband and I almost cried because of your generosity.

Thank you so much!

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Each participant is given a gift card ($25 value) and boxes full   of groceries and household items to help them during the holiday season

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