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Vincent's Community Outreach


**Covid 19 Update**

Due to the COVID 19 outbreak, and in the interest of public health, we have changed certain processes in relation to our Clothing Window. Our clients will continue to receive clothing and toiletries, but we are taking added safety measures such as social distancing, limiting the number of volunteers, and enforcing mask use to protect our Staff, Volunteers, and Clients. 

 Clothing Window

Our clothing window hands out clothing and other necessities to the homeless on Tuesdays from 12:15 - 1:30pm.  In addition to clothing staples such as underwear, socks, pants and shirts, we also provide winter coats, hats & gloves and blankets as needed during the cold / wet weather.  


The large majority of our clothing donations are used for our clothing window, which enables us to directly help clothe those in need.  Some of our nicer donations are used for our Rummage Sale, which also benefits the poor.  


If you are interested in helping with our clothing window, please check out our Volunteer Page.  

Serving our community

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We are always in need of donations of coats, blankets, hats and gloves during the cold months

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Outreach Recipient

It isn't easy being homeless; but knowing the VCO has my back helps give me the strength to keep going.

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Vincent's Community Outreach

1408 S. 10th St. St. Louis, MO 63104


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