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Vincent's Community Outreach


**Covid 19 Update**

Due to the COVID 19 outbreak, in the interest of public health and the safety of our Staff, Volunteers and Guests, we have changed certain procedures in relation to our Volunteers. We will continue to update these practices to reflect CDC guidelines.

Volunteer Mission

To unite and empower individuals to engage in their community through non-profit volunteer outreach services that provide support to low-income families and the homeless.




Our Volunteer Coordinator, Pat Poehling, ensures that volunteer(s) comply with health and food safety standards.  Many of our volunteers are students who volunteer to earn service hours for school or extra-curricular programs. There are many different avenues in which one can earn service hours such as making sandwiches, organizing coat/blanket drives, collecting non-perishable can goods, etc. Besides typical avenues for service, if you have other ideas on how you would like to get involved, drop us a line. The skies the limit! If you would like to contact our Volunteer Coordinator directly, click here.


We depend on our volunteers to help us serve our community. If you are interested in volunteering, click one of the links below for more information and to sign up or Click Here to be routed to our "Sign-Up Genius" site to see all current volunteer opportunities.

Volunteer Opportunities

You can make a difference!

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Vincent's Community Outreach

1408 S. 10th St. St. Louis, MO 63104


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