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Vincent's Community Outreach
**Covid 19 Update**
Due to the COVID 19 outbreak, and in the interest of public health, we have changed certain processes in relation to our Lunch Window. Our guests will continue to receive lunch, but we are taking added safety measures including limiting the number of volunteers, requiring mask use, and social distancing to protect our Staff, Volunteers, and Clients.
Lunch Window
Our lunch window operates every Monday through Saturday of the year, with the exception of major Holidays from 11a-1p (Monday - Saturday).We serve approximately 200+ sandwiches per day to those that are hungry. In 2019 we served 31,000 lunches.
If you would like more information about assisting us in handing out lunches at our window, please check out our Volunteer page.
Serving our community

Outreach Recipient
Before I found out about the lunch program, I didn't always know where my next meal would come from. Now I know there is a safe, friendly place where I can get a nice lunch.

Monday through Saturday from 11am-1pm
we serve 150-300 guests a healthy lunch

Outreach Recipient
I moved to St. Louis to get a job, but when the job fell through, I found myself on the streets. I heard about Vincent's Community Outreach and when I got there, I got a change of clothes, a lunch and a little bit of hope that tomorrow might be a better day.
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